Tag Archives: nicole


8 Jan

As said by the Creator of XXI

Inspiration: The I Ching concept of “Biting Through” Fire over Thunder.

Before it was an addiction, it was a curiosity.  Seduction appears in the vanity responding to innocence. Illegible lines of what is written in the mirror as she searches for more. Addictive habits form into a ceremony of loving ones self, but feeling so alone she results into a shelter. Covering her with a white gloss of the same substance she had been drawn into from the start.

In the beginning, she was not innocent; there was a curiosity of darkness that absorbed what the world already possesses. In herself, she could not make it better, until her vanity disappeared into pure white. The yin and yang are forever continuing, as one increases, the other decreases. Turning the lights on to evil and goodness, and allowing both to be active will maintain a balance without being controlled by one.”

-Nicole Van Straatum of The Dirty Chic