Tag Archives: Paper Dresses

Not Just Paper.

16 Nov

So this is the FIRST post in a very long time where I’ve been able to actually write about something that holds personal meaning and exhibits passion.

Recently in school, my class mates and I were assigned the task of creating a dress entirely out of paper. We were forced to use our brains and imagination to find inspiration, then create something interesting and eye-catching.

My inspiration was ORIGAMI. I was intrigued by the way something as basic as paper can be taken and transformed into something so beautiful. The dress, hair, makeup and photography has all been done by yours truly. Enjoy!

Paper Affair.

24 Sep

All Paper Everything

This post was triggered by an assignment given in my Fashion Aesthetics class. We have to make garments 100% completely out of paper! My research led me to these outfits, designed in 2009 by Alexandra Zaharoze and Llya Plotnikov. I hope my final product looks this good!