Tag Archives: slide

Music Monday.

27 Sep

Appreciate The Funk

–  So my father was a HUGE Funk Music fan and as an offspring of  the “Funk” era, its safe to say – its in my blood and apart of my child hood upbringing (outside of the Aaliyah’s, TLC’S, Pac and so on). This was the music I was listening to, on full blast, to and from school. You can’t help but to feel the good energy from that  funkadelic sound!

Go ahead and boogie down to a  few all time funk favs, brought to you by Parliament Funkadelic, Slave & Morris Day and The Time.

Parliament Funkadelic  –

Bootsy Collins

Slave –

Last, but now least….What Time Is It?!

Morris Day & The Time

-Dani Lacy